Thursday, February 24, 2011

jack and coke - hot or not?

I lost my go-to bar drink when I realized just how bad vodka red bull (not to mention four loko) is for you. I like tequila, but if that were anyone’s go-to drink they would end up in the hospital by the end of the night. so lately I’ve developed an attachment to jack and coke, but I’m still testing it out before I formally give it my go-to-drink spot since there’s usually some sort of reaction when I order it at the bar…

  • Male friend: did you just order a jack and coke? Atta girl!
  • Other male friend: did you just order a jack and…wow. (completely could not read if this was a positive or negative reaction)
  • Bartender: Got the order of jack and coke, and what did YOU want? 
...and various other mutters of surprise in response to ordering jack. so in preparation for the weekend, I need your input to make this very critical go-to drink decision…

when a girl orders a jack and coke, is it:

i may be a little bit off on my proportions

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