Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the most intelligent dating quiz i've ever taken

This just popped up on my twitter from CNN -

Need a break? Today's the Sex and Love Quiz on CNN Challenge. Play now: http://cnnchallenge.com?gid=200 (via @CNNChallenge)

That's some tough love trivia...played a round and got 2/5 questions right, haha.  Well at least I knew what the first condoms were made of!


  1. The first round was easy. 5/5
    The 2nd round was harder. 1/5
    Lightning round. 1/5
    lol At least this quiz got my heart racing because of the music.

  2. 1/5, 2/5, 3/5. Steady improvement. Proof that love/sex takes practice.
    ~Fellow Chai Tea Drinker
