Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to Chai Tea Dating, an anonymous blog about dating in San Francisco

I’ve been told that all I think about is relationships.  Well, clearly that’s not true because I also think about prospects, friends with benefits, and all the grey areas you hit before reaching any sort of “relationship” status.  And that’s a lot to think about.   

It’s only a few weeks into 2011 and I’m already feeling great about this year – which is awesome considering that the guys I met in 2010 all fell into 3 categories: douchebags, idiots, and creepers - or some combination of those.

I know I’m cutting it close, but it’s still January and in my book that means there is still time to make resolutions. I’ve learned from the things in 2010 that don’t need to be repeated, like:

·         Trying to seduce a SOBER friend on the dance floor while drunk  
·         Telling an extremely drunk birthday boy that I “don’t do” one night stands and believing him when he said “I don’t either”
·         Coming up with the grandfathering clause* for an easy out

So for 2011, I resolve to:

1.       Only date guys I can actually see myself more thinking he’d be great IF he was funnier/smarter/taller/had more balls
2.       Not have one night stands
3.       Have no more than four drinks in one sitting…which would make me prone to breaking number 2
4.       Portray an image of more “nice”, less  “naughty” (upload FB profile pictures holding puppies instead of holding beer)
5.       Populate my empty OK Cupid profile if I’m still single by March
6.       And lastly… new year, new boys!  Wash those cold teas down the drain.
If you want to keep a resolution, wear it. PJ shirt from Victoria’s Secret. 
Til next time,

*In summer 2010 I made a promise to myself to not make out/hook up with people when I went out -  however, the boys I’d already hooked up with in the past were “grandfathered in” and excluded from the rule. The clause was eventually removed to encourage healthier relationships...quite unsuccessfully. 


  1. I'm gonna be watching this

    good to know I'm not the only dumbass

  2. * dumbass refers here to grandfather clauses

  3. lol...i think i'll take this as a compliment
