Monday, March 7, 2011

is this for real??

Wow.  my first 3 thoughts while reading this article / watching this video clip:

  1. sucks for the 250 men who had to refrain from looking at breasts for FIVE YEARS. 
  2. did researchers really use the word "ogle" in their very scientific study? what exactly counts as ogling (the dramatic sunglass tilt as the girl walks by or this perhaps)? 
  3. how did they get the women in the video to consent to straight up boob shots...
as though men need more encouragement to act on their primal instincts.  thank god it's coming from fox and not some respectable news channel.


  1. so what should women stare at if we're concerned about heart health? :P

  2. porn for women , of course!

    (don't worry, it's a PG book)
