Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(don't) show them the goods

I know I've mostly been posting "academia" lately (what, the boob study doesn't count?) but it's been easier to comment on other people's content than write my own in the time I have lately.  

more personal dating stuff to come, but in the meantime there is one more article i'd like to share about why Sex Is Cheap, which shares the common theme of: 
men can't seem to grow up properly in contemporary society, while women try to magnify their feminist side by pretending casual sex means nothing to them, thereby creating a vicious cycle of men taking advantage, women feeling like shit but not admitting it, blah blah blah.

we all know this. what we don't know is what we can do to rectify the situation. so here are some creative (nerdy) solutions contributed by dragonwell* to make the world a better place for the committing folks out there. 
  1. Unionize - Women should form unions so that they have more bargaining power. It works for teachers, and it's left the entire country powerless to fight. Of course, this means union women will have to strong-arm non-union women to ensure their market dominance. This could lead to some potential increases in GDP if female strong-arming became a spectator sport that was conducted in kiddie pools of KY jelly.
  2. Cocktease 101 - Educate women on how to handle men so that they are continually trying to impress women through self-improvement. If women are empowered, they can exercise restraint better in order to keep the price of sex high. 
  3. Crack down on black markets - (Not in the ebony sense.) Black markets arise when artificial market forces such as regulation are employed (e.g. black markets for drugs and guns). Slutty black markets can arise as well, so similar measures should be taken through use of tools such as S.A.R.E. (Sex Abuse Resistance Education) and media (e.g. "this is your brain, this is your brain on sex")
  4. Chastity Belts - They were employed with some success to limit both intercourse and self pleasuring. This might effectively impose a tariff on sexual activity. 
there you have it - the recipe for a modern day women's movement. 
take it from me - don't google-image chastity belt if you don't have to.
*name was selected by guest blogger himself, i swear. 

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