Wednesday, November 23, 2011

digital dating...?

hm. this is going to sound a little weird but just take it as an indication that we really do live in a digital age... I can't figure out - am I "dating" charlie chaplin?

no, I haven't seen him since halloween, and we still refer to our friends at that party by their costumes when we talk to each other ("I'm going to mexico with matt, the stop sign") but he texts me regularly and calls me 'darling' on gchat. he sends me random emails and asked me to escort him to a restaurant opening last week. and even though we're friends on facebook, I know next to nothing about him - not to mention that I still have my doubts about his sexuality. what is going on?  I'm responding to him because he is a constant source of entertainment, but it feels a little strange. at the end of the day we are really just strangers, and I'm not gen Y enough to be in a virtual relationship.

I'm sure one of these days I will see him again face to face. at that point I think one of two things will happen:

  1. we will be drunk and I will go home with him  
  2. we will be sober and I will realize he's not straight.  haha. 

in fact, next weekend seems like the perfect opportunity to sort this all out.  I'm hosting a get together at a swanky SOMA bar, and it should be a low pressure event where I won't have to give him my full attention.  but it will also mean that a lot of worlds will be colliding -- aka past flames and hot joes in one room...oh i forgot, story of my life.

the original was a man of few words...mine is a man of few appearances

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